tell me no more stories and I'll tell you no lies
"I'm fine!" He attempted to voice the words out straight, which worked, aside from the quiet squeak that came out in his tone. It was obvious that he was frightened and no matter how hard he tried to fight it back, no matter what he did, Jasper knew he wouldn't be able to hide that fact from the stranger. Jasper didn't recognize the other's voice and, perhaps, he would have been able to remember the scent, were it for the fact that he could no longer smell. All in all, Jasper had no idea who it was with him, which only proved to frighten him more. "I'm just.." He started, mind swirling as he stood there. "Looking for stuff.."

It was about the moment that he finished speaking that the he felt the touch of teeth against his neck, which sent his body in to tremblings. Shaking, Jasper made and attempt to remove himself from the other's grasp in a discreet sort of manner, which happened to not be very discreet at all. He wriggled some, shivering, and made a move forward that seemed much like he had stumbled, trying to pull himself away. What he didn't think about was, though, that there really wasn't anywhere for him to go.


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