Mama Mia!!

Don't make me change my mind.

She'd never had anyone listen to what she had to say before, not like Savina did. Not a female friend, anyway. Iskata had always humored her, but then, she was her mother. It was what mothers did, listened to their daughters. It was nice to have a friend who wasn't in the family, for once, someone who she could rely on. Naniko couldn't even remember what it was like without Savina any more.

She wasn't sure if that kind of dependence was good, but she didn't care. The fact that she could talk about Conri with someone was wonderful, and she hoped that Savina would talk to her about stuff like that, too. That she could trust Naniko with it as well. The fem didn't really think of the wolves in the pack as being a certain rank...almost all of them were good friends of hers. Lucifer and Kansas still were, even though things had happened between them.

She laughed when Savina mentioned that Sirius and Apollo spoke some Itallian. "Yeah! I taught them. I learned it from a book, actually. And a wolf that used to live in Insieme for a bit..Antonella? I think that was her name." Naniko knew that she could definitely use a run and that it might help Savina's leg to get that kind of exercise, too. "If you feel up to it, we should run"


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