Pay the Piper
OOC Laughs

Neela's hackles rose immediately when she was accused of threatening to harm a pup, the snarl that bloomed on her face directed as much towards Kiara as the blonde dog when she actually seemed to believe that Neela would consider such a thing, "Never said nothin' 'bout hurting no pups. Like ya said, they deserve a chance at a happy life," Neela shot a pointed glare at the blonde dog, "Seems ta me from what ah've seen so far they'd have a better chance'a that in Ichika than wi' this bitch, can' really imagine 'er being a good mother."

Neela turned her gaze to Kiara, "I ain' lettin' 'er cross the border. If it comes ta it 'er pups yeah, but not 'er, she's dangerous an ah don' trust 'er ta not slit our throats while we sleep." Neela swung her head back up to the blonde dog, "There's plenty of other packs round 'ere. If yah've managed to piss everybody off then sucks ta be you, but there's still plenty of old dens an' old human buildings around an ya can't tell me you ain't got food in that wagon."

Neela snorted and shook her head fiercely at the dog;s suggestion that Ichika owed her some kind of debt. "Nope, doesn’ work like that. Ya want ta collect on that debt? Ya go find Saul then." The collie cross set her legs and visibly laid her ahnds on the sheathes of her knives before walling silent, simply standing there at the border, stiff as a plank.

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