one eight seven
It's all good, dawg. I'm going to be slow this week too because we're at Ocean City until Saturday.

He noticed that she was very warm. It was comforting to have another packmate close to him; he didn’t know why. He’d been detached from everything else for several weeks now, but having someone beside him making idle conversation soothed him. Especially since that someone was such a beautiful girl. Kansas hoped he hadn’t ruined the encounter with his awkward start. But she seemed more or less comfortable – though he sensed her nervousness. Oddly, it seemed to be a lot like his own.

Naniko had taught him to read many months ago. Back when their relationship had been innocent. He knew he was fortunate to know how to read and actually be good at it. Sadly, there weren’t many books around, and he really had to look to find one worth reading.

He was now very glad he’d brought the book of poems along; it gave them something to talk about right away. Kansas had glanced back down at the letters, and felt her leaning closer, her shoulder brushing his. It startled him slightly, though he thought little more of it than that he liked the feel of her soft fur against his, yet she was ashamed. Kansas grinned boyishly at her, shaking his head a little. It’s all right. He fumbled around to continue their conversation. It’s poetry, by someone named Edgar Allen Poe. I found it in my room… Really, er, pretty writing. This one’s called “Annabel Lee…” He cleared his throat. I… learned when I was younger. It’s not too hard, you get the hang of it fast. He was talking too much, wasn’t he?


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