everything looks perfect from far away
WC: 329
[/html]Claudius felt bad letting her limp along, but he knew there was nothing he could do to ease her pain. He was neither strong nor adept enough to carry her, regardless of the form he took. At the most, he could offer her some company to help her keep her mind off the pain. Claudius didn’t think the orange wolf would have gone too far, so he hoped that if something did happen to aggravate Terra’s injury, he would be close at hand.

Claudius nodded quickly in reply, but then paused and shrugged. He didn’t think it mattered that much where she got her name, as long as it meant something. After all, since she didn’t have a second name, Claudius thought it might not have mattered that much to her. Although, she seemed to be quite unaware of most matters and Claudius wondered how much she didn’t know about the world. This was perhaps one fragment of a whole puzzle.

“Sure,” Claudius replied. “Cour… des Miracles… is French, like my name… so you cou-ou-ould be… Te-erra du Cour.” He pronounced this with a French accent in an attempt to show her how it could be done. “Aston,” he began, pronouncing this too with a French accent, “is… well… has… a long… history… my-y-y… family… is fr-o-om… AniWa-a-a-aya… but my-y… mother… and her siblings are… from… Quebec… to the north… it’s a French… area, but they came from even… farther north, once… from the arctic… The arc-c-c-ctic… wo-o-lves… ca-a—aame… to-o… Quebec… after the fa-all… of the humans… and the-e-e-y… met u-up… with some mo-o-re wolves… that escaped from a zoo… they were not from… there… and then… they found… wolves who had lived… in Quebec… and they made a… pack… Even… though… my name is… French, my family has… a mixed… background, so I guess… it’s not just… one thing. So I guess… if you wanted, you cou-ould… be Terra… du… C-c-c-ourt… or… wherever… your home… was, too…”[html]

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