everything looks perfect from far away
I like roleplaying with you! I may have to snag your AW Hadley thread in AniWaya once this is done >Big Grin
[/html]Claudius was a little surprised that Terra didn’t want to take a second name. It seemed so natural to him that he had never thought of being just Claudius. He liked his family, even if his aunt terrified him and his cousin was a little rough. But he liked knowing his mother was a part of his family and his brothers and sister, too. His expression darkened when he thought of his other family – the Soul side. He wished Haku wasn’t his father; he hated the wolf so much that sometimes, he would lie awake at night thinking about it. The rage he kept pent up inside him would eat him out some days and sometimes it was just so difficult to breathe. If Claudius were a more violent wolf, he knew he would have resorted to more violent methods to rid himself of that family.

Terra nuzzle Claudius – which, of course elicited a jump – and suggested that they rest for a bit. Claudius hadn’t realized it, but while the conversation had slowed, their pace had too, and they had stopped walking. He nodded quickly, but then found himself alarmingly close to Terra’s head. He hoped he didn’t hit her in the face with his muzzle.

“I—okay,” he replied. He didn’t know what to say. “I—uhm, are—are you… feeling—um… okay?” [html]

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