Joining SL - OOC
Welcome to Salsola

Welcome to Salsola! As a new member of the pack, you're ranked as an Associate. We strongly encourage you to read over the Associates page of our website for further information about your rank, promotions, and other relevant things.

As a new member, why not:

  • Start plotting with your fellow members -- start or join an Open Thread on Salsola territory.
  • Figure out if your character wants the Cotona ritual to take place, and where on their body they'd like the scar.
  • Figure out which of the Jobs you'd like and let the leadership know which you're considering.
  • Check out our pack game and start earning points! You can claim a residence in the Borgatas Colotl or Coatl after 50 points in the pack game (note: residences outside these two areas are free).
  • Add yourself to our Directory, and please remember to add your character's animal companions to our Stables! See Salsola Maintenance for further information.
  • Familiarize yourself with the pack's leaders and make sure you contact one of us if you encounter any sort of difficulty or require any assistance. You can send us a Private Messages or post to the Salsola Maintenance thread.
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