a most deep and subtle poison
My skin crawled for Tali... I like spiders... until they fall on me and then I flail lots. XD
He really didn't get much of a warning himself when the door had been flung open, though there had been a good second before his brain told his hands to stop playing when a figure appeared right behind it. The spider however, didn't really care about any of this when it decided to zip line down from the ceiling in the seconds before, meeting a rather untimely adventure end on top of the young girl's head. Now out of all of the reactions that needlessly ran through Laurel's head, he had expected a scream. He had expected her to run around flailing, but not to try and hide on him or beneath him; he had barely the time to get his right hand off of the strings before she was against him! From there he was half inclined to make some sort of crude comment, but instead something else caught his attention much more. The spider. “Hold still,” he said firmly, as though she were going to panic even more.

And just like the last spider that he tried to bother him, he gave that one a deft click off of the top of her dark head and watched it sail across the dimly lit room. “You don't have to hide now, I got rid of the spider. At least that one. Most of the others I dealt with when I got here,” and since then they had avoided him for the most part. Maybe seeing their buddy or sibling or whatever in the hell relation the other spiders could have been being flicked away at the bat of an eye changed their tune. With the interest in spiders fading, his focus shifted to the obnoxiously bright clothing she had on. It was almost like what Poe had on as far as colour taste went… of course, he noted the ill-fitting manner of it all. She didn't look too much like a wolf but had the scant features of one just as much as he noted her sharp coyote ones.

“I'm guessing from the fear you don't live around here?”

He wouldn't have wanted to live there if he was her, anyway.

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