Your betrayal bleeds deep
OOC: KItty, wrap up with your post and I'll get us another one up?

IC: She had seen her brother go for his spear to attack her packmate and although she was mad at him, Ayasha was glad that Ahiga didn’t get a chance to hurt Caprica. That would not have been good for him or her. So she simply sent him a withering glare for that but didn’t do much else since he hadn’t actually done anything yet.

His trying to make himself small made her feel marginally better but her frown deepened as Caprica told her everything that Ahiga had said. But she did give Caprica a thankful smile as she left and said, ”I will, if he gives me trouble.” Although her attention was on the dark female, Ayasha did keep an eye on her brother. But she would deal with her brother when they were in a more private area.

When the other female had left, she turned her attention fully on Ahiga and she remained unimpressed by his casual greeting, like nothing had happened. Her voice was rather calm but not very warm. ”Come on, we’ll but our horse in the stable and then we’ll talk.” She then started towards the stables, making sure that he followed behind her.

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