Mama Mia!!

Shall we start to wrap things up? So we can get ready for the next sadfase thread? D: I know! They should run off into the sunset and be happy before everything goes to hell.

The concept of actually learning things from a book instead of someone teaching you was a very strange concept to the wolfess. Then again, most things that the humans did seemed strange to her. Though living here and becoming more exposed to them, she was beginning to see the merits in some things. Such as Naniko's healing skills. They were of great importance. She was also beginning to really like sleeping on the bed, it was a lot more comfortable than the hard floor. Having a roof over your head was comforting as well. So Savina was beginning to become assimilated into this hybrid way of living, and opening her mind up to new ideas. "Well you did a good job. I've been helping Apollo learn the more specific, difficult things. But as far as basics go he's got them down."

Her onyx tail wagged and emerald eyes brightened at the prospect of taking a run with her best friend. "I'm definitely up for it!" Standing back up on all fours, Savina took a nice big stretch, waking up her limbs and muscles. After she felt nice and limber she gave her head a quick shake and looked back at Naniko. "Well, shall we be off then?"


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