OOC text | WC :: +000

He smiled and when she whined he chuckled lightly and after she said that the flowers didn't want her to be the goddess he got an idea.

No of course they do. You just have to ask in the right way. If you do that i bet the flower will go to your ear on it's own without you having to put it there. Close your eyes and repeat after me. I wish to be the guardian of the flowers and i ask with honor that you, the spirits of the flowers give me the gift of a flower goddess. I promise to protect and care for the flowers and I promise to always be cute and happy and friendly to all I meet.

He watched her closely and as she closed her eyes and spoke after him he picked up the prettiest flower with his teeth and using his stealth he placed it behind her ear and went back to the place he was at and did it all without a sound and while she was talking so to mask it and then once she was done he made a surprising gasp and spoke kindly and excitedly.

Open your eyes slowly, the flowers have given you a gift. I think they want you to be there goddess.

Shadow smiled and his tail moved quickly as her happiness and excitement was affecting him and he had completely forgotten about being upset and was only thinking about how he could make this pup have the time of her life.

Take thy beak from out my heart, and take thy form from off my door!' Quoth the raven, `Nevermore.'
template by revo. <3


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