I don't care

Word Count → 245 :: Out of Character text

​Dhiate's face remained cool, impassive. Although both girls were rather attractive, they weren't exactly his type. Actually, no girl was his type no matter how attractive she may be. The two before him were dissimilar, yet in the way they acted towards one another they showed that they were very familiar with each other if not siblings. And he couldn't care less. They were intruding on his thinking time.

When the one with two colored eyes lunged at him, Dhiate merely glanced up. His dark tipped ears flicked forward to catch her words. With a boyish voice he spoke. "Walking." He sounded like he'd been gargling nails. His smoky hued eyes narrowed at the sight of her. He was used to wolves trying to attack him by now, thanks to Raoth, and didn't budge. Normally Amy would step in and stop Raoth. This wasn't Raoth, but true to the occasion, somebody stopped her path of violence. A smirk played on the corners of his mouth. He placed his pale cream hands on his narrow hips, golden bangles jingling.

At least one of the girls had manners it seemed. Too bad she only stated the obvious. "Apparently." His single word sentence was irritated and slightly higher pitched. His dainty chest puffed up slightly and he ran his gaze from sister to sister. Dhiate felt a small pain in his chest, and it wasn't physical. He had a brother once, and they hadn't been unlike these two.

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