
Big Grin.

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Matrix was not entirely convinced that she was awake. After all, that meant that this consciousness was a continuation of the consciousness found earlier in the day--that is, she hadn't been dreaming earlier. If Nirvana was simply a dream, however, that meant that this was too. And in reality, the discoveries she was making now were just as exciting. Perhaps they wouldn't equate to mental elation sedation, but they had much more utility and practical significance. Maybe.
Earlier in the day, she had stumbled upon a heavenly region known to the locals as Nirvana. Even though the chill frosts and come and decimated the outdoor plants for the season, she had recognised the scent from literally a mile away. Upon closer investigation, she had found more than a small handful of seeds, as well as what appeared to be a small barn of sorts. Inside, dried out plants hung from the rafters and she'd be damned if she didn't take her fair share. Now, she had an idea, which was simply this: why not grow her own?
Naturally, this required tools. Naturally, an old human city was the perfect place to go. Strolling through what was once a ritzier neighbourhood, she rummaged through old garages and tool sheds. It was not long before she found a whole lot of what she was looking for: potting soil, fertiliser, some pots, a watering can, a wheel barrow to haul the crap around, etcetera. Of course, she didn't suspect this would be the challenging part. The real issue here was heat. This would require a more creative solution, and it was this dilemma that she mulled over whilst absently tossing a hammer up, allowing it to rotate fully mid-air, and catching it once more. Leaning with her back against the garage and the wheel barrow full-o'-crap at her feet, it was peculiar how much she looked like she belonged there.

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