[M] Bring this promise to me
OOC sup bitches? / +532

Maybe some would see Jace as too independent unlike how a female should be, Temo as too dull, with his interest in carving and building. To Jace's eyes he was perfect and she was sure he saw her the same way too. That did not mean he was without fault, he had plenty of those but his shortcomings along with his strengths were what made him who he was and thus perfect for her. Jace had a multitude of her own weaknesses too, and he was a significantly large one. If one wanted to hurt Jace beyond all repair and totally, completely destroy her they would only have to snap his life short. As much as she prided herself on her strength she knew deep inside that his death would cripple her for as long as she lived after it. Despite this knowledge that a world without him would cease to be a colorful paradise, Jace hoped that he would pass into the void before she did, for the pure fact that she wished for him not to feel the sting of her own death. The very idea of him feeling pain was repugnant and disturbed her immensely.

These serious thoughts of live and death and all states in between whirled around her mind like a tornado of mental debris, they did not cool her ardor for him though. The ferocity of the urges burned down into the depths of her dichromatic eyes. This was a part of their love as much as the nights spent watching the sun sink into the horizon and the moon coming out to light the dark world and the stars shining brightly. Of their own accord her hands found their way to the strong planes of his chest, the corded muscle underneath was warm to the touch and trembled with the erratic fluttering of his heart. On their own from there they explored curiously as though every inch of him were new to their soft touch, as though they hadn't done this hundreds of times before. Equally as absorbed her gaze drunk his appearance in, relishing every unruly flick of fur, the way his body was hard and straight whilst her own was soft and curvaceous, starved of this from the effort of raising their four children and still attending her Prestige duties she feasted upon his visage while she could.

His long, lean form fit into the cradle her parted thighs made with no room to spare, they were made for each other in this way as they were in every other. Hey eyes, sparkling like gems, drifted closed and a soft purr came from her maw, distracted by the cool touch of his nose as it nudge its way along her cheek bone and towards her neck. What the woman did next would shock any and all that knew her other than her lover, mate and friend. Within the rankings of Ichika Jace was above Temo in the order of things and yet here between them now, man to woman it was he who retained dominance over her. The lady's head fell to the side revealing the pale expanse of her neck for his exploration.

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