Hidden serpents and vicious hunters

It's all good, and your assumptions are right =P

Her answer was satisfactory, though something about her demeanor made him continue to wonder if hunting was all it was for. She seemed to take a special interest in him, sizing him up visually. His body had been honed, and it appeared that she noticed, though her gaze did not have the light of attraction but academic interest. That had strong indications. The smell of iron was in the air, so she carried more than just this bow, as well. Even as she approached him, he made sure to show the proper amount of ease in his posture and facial expression...not cockiness, but the certainty of safety that came with being a big male. Surely she was dangerous, but he was still very large, and it seemed proper that a wolf of his size wouldn't yet be completely on guard unless he was sharp enough to suspect that there was danger lurking beneath the surface. As far as Asmodai was concerned, it would be better if no one was certain that he possessed those instincts yet.

"I have been a vagabond for a long time," he said blithely. "Just traveling mostly. I learned some first aid along the way, and saw many things, but otherwise I haven't done a lot that is of interest." That was, of course, excluding the events that had let to the fang marks on his arm, and the events before that which had led the acquisition of the knife hidden in his pack. Nevertheless, nothing about his person, even the old scars across his belly, gave anything away definitely, though a trained eye would be right to be suspicious.

"So...I don't smell a pack scent on you, or at least...not the scent of many wolves from your own. Are you a loner, like me?" He could smell another scent on her, stronger than the others, so it might be that she was part of a new pack with a mate or something, but it was impossible to infer too deeply from just faint scents in the air.


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