Life Was Beautiful

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Cerberus sighed audibly with relief once the fae encouraged him to stand, the stretching of his tattered limb a very pleasant feeling despite the twinge of pain that always followed any movement. He allowed his eyes to meet hers then, although hesitantly, and again he felt his heart constrict in his chest. At least he could more easily distract himself with her feminine features now, shoving out the horrible images long enough to form a compliment in his mind. But it failed to pass his lips, for it was then that he caught her enticing scent – this girl was in heat. He blinked, and then blinked again, the gory images of before now replaced with heated images of him and her nestled together. But a third blink chased the impassioned pictures away, and he forced himself to focus on more appropriate things.

At the question stirred by the appearance of his leg, Cerberus glanced down as if forgetting for a moment what had happened as well before looking back up at the wolf now known as Insomnia. His ears twitched forward as they committed her name to memory, and then he briefly dipped his scruffy head in a sort of chivalrous bow. Another wolf and I, as stated before, went out hunting, he began, his pain masked with the duty of relaying the news, and we crossed the path of a mother bear and her cubs. I escaped with these wounds, and the wolfess... He paused, the words now caught in his tightening throat. After a brief silence he muttered, She is dead.

To his great relief, tears did not stream down the coywolf's face like he had anticipated after bearing the news, but a heavy breath instead jumped from his jaws in a puff of warm air that touched the fur of his large chest and sent a chill skittering down his spine. His mismatched eyes fell to the ground once more, and then returned to meet Insomnia's as he let the silence drape over him like a weighted blanket. But he forced himself to focus on another satisfying feature of the girl's face, so as to avoid crumbling in front of her.


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