Life Was Beautiful
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I'm out on the edge and I'm screaming my name like a fool at the top of my lungs
OOC: ... || WC: 000

Her heartbeat felt hard against her chest as she lingered in the her own thoughts for several moments.Beauty came in all sorts of shapes and sizes, and Insomnia, in her own, odd way, saw the beauty in many things. A flower is beautiful, a sharming, simple beauty, but beauty nonetheless. A spider's creation was also beautiful, a dazzling, curious beauty, the way the little black creature spun its silk, the strands glistening like diamonds in the rain. Also a simple beauty. This male before her was also beauty, but in a kind, i-want to know him kinda way. She peered at the male, body wary, eyes shining curiously. He was very quite, thinking before he spoke maybe? She wondered what kind of fun she could have with him. Did his appearance deceive who he really was? Was he as strong and cunning as he looked? She shook her head and tried to get these thoughts out. Everyone had a weakness, no one was perfect or invincible. Even she, was not perfect, and she had accepted that. She loved to find out what weakness others had, for she had not yet discovered her own, and would be quite intruiged to know it, so she could guard it better in the future. Even this angel-like demon had a weakness, and though she might not be able to find it, she knew it was there. But didn't everybody love to think themselves as untameable? Untouchable? She thought herself so, though none could break her, none could tame her. And maybe it was true, maybe it wasn't. She would see the truth when she died, whetehr she had been broken or not. The vixen sat, head help up proudly as she examined him. And again the silence rested on her ears like a soft woolen blanket. "It's okay. She gave her life up for you I suppose. Who was she? Or do you not want to talk about it." She looked down at her own scars that were slowly fading away.

sometimes when I close my eyes I pretend I'm alright but it's never enough
Table by Stormie, template by revo. <3
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