Not the Hero we deserve
A little powerplay, if you want me to change just let me know!
wc 764

There it was, a scream. She knew something didn't feel right. Fast as a bolt she was off, running the direction of the yelp. The underbrush and trees flew past her, the world was a blur to her eyes. Other senses were guiding and leading her though; her sense of smell and hearing. It was near the lake, she came upon some sort of den. The noise came from inside. Savina reached her slender head into the hole and picked up the pup by the scruff of his neck, gently placing him outside. He was part of the pack, the smell was thick on him. Softly she licked at the angry red scratches on his face. "Its ok, you're safe now" She whispered coaxingly. A hiss emitted from the den behind her. Must just be a cub"

But then another sound came to her and sable ears swiveled backwards. Something was charging right at them. Instinctively she covered the pup with her own body, and a split second later it happened. Razor sharp claws dug into the femme's shoulders. Her last minute movement had thrown the cat's trajectory off, and it rolled off her back to land on the other side. A pained yelp came from her throat as the claws scratched across her shoulder and she felt the blood begin to drip from the wounds. The beast began to stir inside of the Lacerta, begging to be unleashed. Lips curled up in a snarl, revealing ivory daggers. Ebony head turn to the wildcat mother, her emerald eyes beginning to catch fire. Hackles raised, making Savina look bigger than usual. A deep, rough bark came from her maw. It was the feline's one warning. Leave us be, or you'll regret it.

It didn't work. The cat charged again. The Italian wolf lowered her head and once the wildcat got to her she shoved her head and neck under it, using her back and neck to throw it over her and the wounded pup. Then it snapped, it couldn't be contained any longer. The monster was loose. "Hide child..." She said in a voice that was not completely her own. The wolfess turned to face the creature head on. Her eyes were green hellfire, a deep growl rumbled in her throat, hackles raised to the full extent. A charcoal demon now stood before the wildcat.

A second lingered as the two stared each other down, and then they charged again. Meeting in a flurry of fur, teeth, and claws. They ripped at each other's flesh, not always finding their mark, but sometimes they did. Once Savina got a mouthful of the cat's flank and the sickly sweet taste of its blood filled her mouth, egging the monster on even further. The pain done to her barely even registered, she made no noises other than menacing growls. After a few moments the feline managed another good swipe of its claws at the jet wolf, leaving red lines on one of her front legs. Enraged the hell hound jumped up on her back legs and came down on the cat, grasping its scruff in her fangs. Using all her strength she flung the wildcat on its back and pounced one again, her now bloodstained maw wrapping around its exposed neck. The wolf put more and more pressure on the cat's neck, hearing its gasps, its front paws clawing frantically at her chest and legs. She didn't stop. More pressure, more, and more. The feline's protests became weaker and more infrequent. Then a small pathetic mewing sound reached the lupine's ears, and her eyes turned to see the small cub at the den's entrance. STOP! A voice inside her head screamed. Jaws slowly removed themselves from the wildcat's neck. As soon as the canine was off of it the mother cat dashed inside the den with her cub.

The beast that had emerged from her crawled back to its hiding place, leaving Savina to reclaim her usual self. She was panting hard. Red scratches covered a good portion of her body and blood was leaking through her pitch black fur. Green orbs, the fire now gone, glazed over. The mild-mannered female was in shock of what she had done, what she had almost done. Then she remembered the small dark pup. She staggered over to where he was hiding in the underbrush. "Its all over now little one." Her voice was soft and weak. "Let's get you back to mansion and Naniko can tend to those scratches." The two of them began their walk back to the house.


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