Now the monster is awake

Pillars of sand.

The girl just stood there, staring at her leader. She had never seen him like this before. Finally he was able to stutter out a few words. Naniko... Her stomach turned to a rock in her body. What had happened? Was she hurt? Dead? Was it the puppies? Then he began to stumble down the hallway towards his and Naniko's room. Savina began to follow, it almost felt like she was floating down the hall, it was all so surreal. Then when the red male began to talk again, his words confused her. "What...?" He was sorry? He had to leave? No, he had to stay here! His mate was hurt, what could he possibly have to do that was more important than that! He was going down the stairs. Her head was swimming. "Conri...CONRI...!" But he was gone.

Shaking her head in disbelief, Savina turned to go into the alpha's room. Things only got worse. Naniko was on their bed, bloodied and seemingly unconscious. The female's heart felt like it was on fire, her head felt dizzy bug she rushed forward towards the bed with her beaten friend. "Nani...NANI..." She screamed, her voice filled with anxiety and fear. She jumped up on the bed, shaking her with her paws. Emerald eyes as wide as plates. "Wake up. wake up. wake up..." She whispered.


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