On the road again

`` D I S T U R B I A
nothing heard, nothing said, can’t even speak about it; on my life, on my head, don’t wanna think about it

Unwarranted attacks like that made Alduin’s skin crawl and his fur stand on end. His eyes narrowed as thoughts clouded his mind, and he made it a point to flatten his ears against his head out of disapproval. Senseless violence was an act of stupidity in his eyes, especially so when the victim was as young as Insomnia.

I am sorry that such a thing happened to you, miss. If you need anything, all you have to do is ask,” he said, meaning most of it.

He felt somewhat embarrassed that he’d been caught staring at her feathers. Truthfully, it wasn’t the feathers themselves that kept the tundra wolf interested; it was the fact that they represented something he craved, something he thought he so desperately needed: a little companion. He couldn’t very well expect a wolf like him to wander around and follow him everywhere just to entertain him with conversation. So he came to the conclusion that he would need a creature to keep around to talk to, even if it wouldn’t talk back.

Ah, no, thank you, ma’am. I do, however, find myself more inclined to ask where you got those from?” he asked, wondering if it was somewhere nearby.

Perhaps a bird was nice? Perhaps not, though. He would be much too envious of its ability to fly. A creature that walked as he did would be best, maybe. He would search. He would search, and find something to keep at his side. And maybe even this she-wolf would assist him in doing just that.

release me from this curse i’m in; trying to maintain, but i’m struggling. put on your pretty lies, you’re in the city of wonder

template by revo. <3


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