Not the Hero we deserve
He found his spot to hide. He didn't want to see the lady that saved him get hurt he was sure she was going to get hurt bad. After all it was a wild cat, and the wild cat had already claimed his eye. He hope that some of the sight would come back, though after the grunted, and snarls, and then some where out of the whole mess came her soft voice like an Angel from Haven coming to take him away, he looked up at her with a slight whimper, as he stumbled out from the bush that he had taken to hiding in, his little tail shook side to side, glad that she had came when she did, she saved him. She was his hero. Maybe Jazper would leave him alone, and maybe Lucifer would play with him more since he was hurt.

He stopped looking back over his shoulder with the one eye that didn't hurt to see the mother cat and her child in the cave, looking at them, with a look to let them know they had won this fight, and this round though next time he or any one else might not be as lucky as he was to have her come running after him. The child gave a whimper looking back to where the lady was walking, digging his heals in the child walked with her. He shifted his wight so he would be able to feel her walk, he looked up at her, he hurt...but he wanted to be strong and brave."Your Pretty!"

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