The First Step
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I was alone, I took a ride

I didn't know what I would find there

WC: 314. Sorry for the delay. I was really sick.

Another road where maybe I

Could find another kind of mind there

A good hunter keeps a few tricks up their sleeve. Now, Grace wasn't wearing a shirt right now, but the analogy still fit. She knew that she was a poor tracker, and she had rather a fondness for rabbit. So she'd followed a rabbit home one day, stealthily, watching where he went. She'd not hunted that day, of course, but now she knew where to find them.

It would serve her well later. And it had. And now, it would again.

Grace sniffed the air briefly before taking off toward a place that she knew there was a rabbit warren. She hunted there often. Not often enough to make them move, of course. She was careful not to take too many of them, and to only hunt around their borders, so that it looked like simple coincidence. Rabbits weren't the brightest animals to tread the planet's surface, but they had decent instincts when it came to keeping themselves alive. Luckily, Grace had better instincts, and more importantly, she understood the delicate balance of nature. She must be good to others - rabbits included - if she wanted to continue to reap benefit from her existance here.

She moved quietly until she spotted a rabbit lurking under the fragile frame of a bush still dead from winter's harsh bite. Signalling to Hadley to keep quiet, she crept up to her unsuspecting prey. At the perfect moment, she lunged, jaw snapping. She bit down on... air. Falling to the ground, she heard a sick crunch. Lifting herself up, she looked. She'd crushed a rabbit; panicked and dying, it flailed. She grabbed it by the throat and shook it mercifully, ending its life, and looked at Hadley. Mumbling through a mouthful of rabbit, she nodded in the direction of the warren. "Your turn." As an after-thought, she added, "Don't scare 'em. I want 'em to stay here."


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