M-Broken hearts and drunken minds


Word Count → 580

Hotaru could not see Frodo's attempts to look swave and cool. She couldn't see his wagging tail or alluring smirk. Nor did she care. At that moment, all of her cares had drifted far away and seemed to be less significant than the tiniest insect. However, what Hotaru lacked in her sight, she made up for in her other senses. His smell was charming and his voice was as gentle and graceful as the beautiful music Adrain once played for her. Although, that could have been the drink talking. Still, she flashed a winning smile and her fluffy tail flicked slowly from side to side like a cats tail.

The alcohol was messing with her mind. She was opening up to a total stranger, and she didn't even care. Frodo's comment about Light only increased her sense of ease and relaxation. "I'm glad you think so. It takes a fine male to know how to treat a female properly." Yes, Light was no fine male. He might have saved her from drowning and he might have helped her hunt; but he had also been intimate with another male while they were supposed to be in a relationship. Hotaru wasn't homophobic, but she hated being cheated on. Even if she was blind, she was a fine female with a wonderful personality. Well, she thought so.

You. The answer was immediate and precise, and it sent chills up her spine. A shy smile spread across her lips. To hear the declaration out loud, it was somehow embarrassing. The low growl that followed caused her ears to flick forward. The primal sound sent fire to her soul and she whined a little. She shivered again when a soft hand reached up to caress her face. The grey female leaned into his palm and her neck was revealed. Frodo's soft breath floated against the side of her neck and again she whined. Her pink tongue darted out to lick his palm, while her hand floated across his chest. She too moved her hand up to his face to inspect his masculine features. Even in her drunken and lustful state, she wanted to know what the stranger looked like.

When a firm, but loving hand, began to drift down her back a lustful whine escaped her lips. Her head tilted upwards while her ears flicked back. Frodo's touch set her skin ablaze and desire ignited within her. Again, she stepped closer, so close that their fur was practically touching. She could feel how he was somewhat shorter than her, but it didn't really bother Hotaru. Her hand drifted down again till it touched his collar and she bent her head down till it touched his shoulder and let his scent filled her nostrils. The grey wolf tilted her head so that her muzzle settled into the nape of his neck and gently nuzzled him.

Fawkes watched horrified as the scene unraveled before him. He wanted to cry out, to object in the loudest, most obnoxious way possible. And he did just that. He spread his massive wings and flapped them till the branch shook. No one was allowed to touch Hotaru like that except Light! It wasn't allowed. Fawkes was immediately shut up when a grey middle finger was shot in his direction. His beak dropped. Hotaru had actually flipped him the bird. With nothing else to say, the red tailed hawk flew off to find a safe haven until the wolves' "meeting" was done.

Table by Aly, code by the Mentors!

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