Only a Lonely Heart
Dara heard the voice and almost dropped her dagger, which wouldn't have ended well for her poor leg seeing as the dagger would have stabbed her. She didn't have to look up to know who it was, but she did anyways. She thought she was dreaming for a split second, but even a dream couldn't do justice to seeing the actually wolf.

Yes, he did inhabit her dreams. Every night. Dara hadn't forgotten him by any means.

She set her dagger down and ran into the waiting embrace of Shadow. "Hey dear," she said, her voice probably muffled by his soft fur. Her voice was shaking with joy and her tail was like a tree in a windstorm, frantically moving back and forth.

She felt the necklace on her fur as she hugged him. She had to resist the urge to kiss him. "You still have on the necklace," she managed to get out. Her horrible night had just turned into the sweetest dream.

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