It Began as This [The Meeting]

Marie (Imhotep) and Libri (Itachi), you expressed interest in being in this thread - If you still are, please, jump in! I've had Sirius be very vague about those who are accompanying him, just in case someone else would rather join. >> wordcount: +3

Disappointment brooded over his brow, deep and heavy and threatening of thunder. Like broiling clouds the King's mood spread, black and grim, over Salsola. It was irritation, rather than loss, that soured his disposition so - Whilst their raid had been undeniably successful, with the acquisition of those prize beasts and more, it had also been flawed. His disciples had been undisciplined in their actions, and as such, failure had been allowed to take place. It was well known that the wicked monarch of the Thistle Kingdom had a viciously low tolerance for failure; his arbiter, Salvia, had felt the worst of his sting. She had been the leader of the mission, assigned to such an important place due to the rare bestow of trust that Sirius had placed within her. However unfair it may have seemed to an outsider, to the Revlis man, losing Magnolia had been a betrayal of that trust. Salvia had been put in her place - Discipline was necessary with such things, always. Failure such as this would not be allowed to happen again.

And so it was with such bitter distaste that the King, glorified by his own grand pedestal, roamed from the land of thistle and thorn towards the neutral territory, where he would correct the mistakes made by his subjects. This entire ordeal had been messy; Were it not for Magnolia's inherent value, and the wicked plotting of his mind in securing such a reasonable trade-off, the girl might have been left forever to the mercy of the hippie-pack. And mercy, he though with a black smile, was surely what she had been receiving. They were such a pretty people, full of misplaced morals and justice. Had the Salsolans captured an infiltrator on their turf, no negotiations would have been made - Negotiations were not necessary when dealing with the dead.

He was certain his note had been received. Little though he knew of her, X'yrin was said to be an intelligent woman. Sirius had little doubt that she would meet his terms, if she wished to preserve the integrity and the heart of her precious pack. It was grim dealings that brought these two leaders together, but after arriving at the outskirts of the dead city near to the crashing shores, he awaited her approach with a reptilian curiosity. It would be the first time that he met the ruler of the Ichikans, and her presence now would determine how weak he considered the entirety of her pack to be. The wicked king sat in his fourlegged form, a dark angular shadow cut from the bleary light around him. An ocean breeze ruffled his dark pelt, tossing the male's scent into the air. His escorts would remain hidden until he gave the signal for them to show themselves - This meeting was not about aggression, merely negotiation.

Sirius Revlis
Hail the Conqueror Worm
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