Selling sea shells by the sea shore..

Yea! That would be great^^The "getting-a-more-recent-thread" thing I mean^^

Heh, what good questions this one had. He couldn’t help but understand the contradictions in what he said compared with how he acted. Was he always like that? Maybe. He would lecture about peace, but wasn’t he always the first to shed blood if it was needed? He would talk about love and forgiveness, but wasn’t he himself on a journey of revenge? What had happened to all his morals, all his standards, all his dreams? Vanished before the sun they had, the day he was betrayed. Darkness had spurred in his mind, taken roots, formed itself into a little evil voice that always lingered there, in the back of his head.

But something had happened when he had arrived at Souls, he was tired and exhausted and the trail of the Grey one had ended at the borders of Dahlia de Mai. So he had entered, and for some reason, stayed. He didn’t know why, maybe it was fate.

He looked at her and smiled Oh, well, you can come by anytime. he said it sincerely and true, scratching the back of his head in his usual embarrassed manner. He always almost started to blush when someone showed genuine interest in talking to him. Years of wandering alone had done that to him, but even so, he hadn’t lost his social skills completely. Merely forgotten how to accept a compliment. I love good conversations. what Des had in looks, he lacked in words. Explaining things was one thing, but small talk was not his favourite subject, when it came to that, he would rather just listen.

Heh, no I‘m not going to craft anything...I guess....sometimes its comfortable being uncomfortable, and practical being unpractical. he paused, trying to think how he should explain what he had just said. You see, I grew up in my shifted form, it is common in my pack...errm...was... he corrected himself for shifters to stay shifted. So even though I don‘t have any practical use for being shifted at the moment, I am because it feels safe and comfortable, do you know what I mean? he looked at her, searching her eyes for recognition. But if you ever want me to make you something, you know you can just ask.


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