[M]Teacher and Student
every memory that I hold

were all just scars in the making

Word Count → 357

Vesper had grown more adroit in her optime shape, and while she still did not favor it as much as her four-legged forms, she worked at getting used to it for day-to-day tasks in addition to more complex ones. She was still not used to patrolling like this, however, and she was on edge. Luckily, her training with Ezekiel, X’yrin, and Helotes had paid off enough that she felt comfortable facing a threat on the borders long enough to be able to call for help. In addition, she need only cry out with a distinct yowl and the raven would fly overhead to help.

She wanted to be alone today, though. It wasn’t because she was mad at or avoiding anyone, and she’d overcome the worst of her grief for Blind, but she did like peace and solitude every once in a while. The loner in her never completely went away.

It seemed that fate did not want her all by herself; a coyote cry broke through the early spring birdsong. Her ears snapped up then back as she made her way toward the sound, letting out a yipping cry of her own to let the canine know that she was on her way.

When she finally came through the vegetation, carrying herself with rank and purpose, Vesper stopped and stared at the caller. It was a female coyote—pure unlike the hybrids that made up Inferni—lovely copper and marked with dozens of scars. The scars might have been hideous to another, but they only noted someone capable, experienced, and Ves found herself respecting this woman instantly.

“What business do you have with Inferni?” the Optio asked, abandoning any other silly questions for one of importance. This creature certainly looked like she could belong to the fire clan, but her scent carried the reek of crows and caves: Anathema. And yet, underneath that, in her personal scent, there was something familiar. Not just familiar, unmistakable for all the time she had spent with the young scouts. Her blue eyes widened slightly, and she questioned, “You wouldn’t happen to know a girl named Wraith Creed, would you?”

Vesper Optime by Nat; table code from the Mentors!

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