everything looks perfect from far away

>8( SHE NEEDS ONE. Claudius is rage-facing I swear to you his eyebrows are twitching because his rage face is more like a "I want to cry" face. WC: 302


Just when Claudius thought it couldn’t possibly get worse, Terra proved him wrong. Well, he couldn’t really decide if it was better or worse. It was worse for him because now he was squished under a stubborn coyote and his shoulder ached rather terribly, but it was probably better for Terra since she couldn’t injure herself any further. Claudius coughed and hacked as he tried to breathe since he had been completely flattened on the floor. Terra shouted his name and stood up, allowing Claudius to take a huge gulp of air. She sheepishly offered an apology, but Claudius couldn’t quite form any words. The shock of being a pillow and having all his air stolen was making it quite difficult to speak. He rolled over from his stomach onto his side, which let him breathe a little easier, but made his shoulder twinge in pain. He couldn’t remember when if it was an old injury or a new one, but it didn’t feel too bad, so he suspected it was just going to be a little bruised.

He coughed and then frowned when he saw Terra lower her ears and tail. He felt a perverse happiness at seeing her so sad (because she was so stubborn!) but he also felt bad because he didn’t want to make her feel bad. It was all very confusing for him and he didn’t know what to think.

“Te-hu-huh-erra,” he stammered. He tried to take a deep breath, but found it still hurt, so he settled on short, shallow breaths. “Yuh-you should ha-a-ave,” he admonished. “I only ju-u-ust met you… and you are… very reckless.” He found himself grinning as he said this, hoping that a smile would cheer her up. “I ca-a-an get it… for you… once I ca-a-an—” he coughed, “breathe again.”

Image credit: Artur; template from the mentors


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