[J] A new start

OOC here!

Shadowfang was scouting around the pack lands as he often did when he had some free time. He was in his lupus form and he was smelling around trying to pick up anything odd and to his surprise he picked up a scent that wasn't of the boarder or any of his pack mates. He looked around with his yellow and blue eyes and then there in an opening in the forest he saw it. The man stood tall, much like himself and he saw how he held himself. Was is possible, could another assassin like himself really have found New Dawn to be a pack worth joining.

Was this man after Shadow or was it merely a coincidence. Shadow moved through the trees walking slowly and then as he came into view of the stranger he nodded and then right there before his very eyes he shifted. Shadow paws formed into hands and short skinny legs and arms turned to well toned and trained muscles made for hunting.

Once Shadow was done shifting, after only a few brief moments he nodded again and as he looked to the man he noticed that they almost stood at exactly the same height. Shadows tail was on par with the stranger and he reached out a hand for him to shake. Once his hand was shook firmly Shadow spoke with a casual smirk on his face, as he welcomed the stranger.

Hello stranger, my name is Shadowfang, you may call me Shadow, and before We speak more I must ask that you do something. My Alpha and Alphess, including the rest of this pack are believers of the old ways before the virus. If you could i would suggest shifting and removing your cloths and weapons. I mean no disrespect but I am only trying to help. They will look kindly on you if you take to the form meant for us. I shall shift as well and then we may speak more.

Shadow Shifted again back to Lupus form and he made a respectful bow as he waited for the stranger to do the same. Shadow knew his Alpha or Alphess would be coming soon and he wanted to make sure that this new comer was ready for them. He would do right by his pack and he would make sure that all the respect was given to his leaders.

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