Just keep pushing your luck.

León's Archive

14/Sept/12 - So we set up a home and called it our own - Naniko (N/A) 14/Sep/11 - M New Generation- Io, Aeron (12+) 16/Sept/12 - M There's thunder in our hearts - Io (12+) 14/Oct/12 - What once was will now never be - None (0+) 17/Oct/12 - Save Me My Friend - Saxif (6+) 19/Oct/12 - Broken by War - Saxif, Panda (19+) 31/Oct/12 - [M] Change my life - Saxif (6+) 05/Nov/12 - You are my demise- Aeron (3+) 06/Nov/12 - watch the wild horses - Io (18+) 11/Nov/12 - good luck has it's storms - Aeron, Io (15+) 21/Nov/12 - terraform - Jackson (3+) 02/Dec/12 - You're the brawn and I'm the brains - Alaki (8+) 07/Dec/12 - all of history deleted with one stroke - Io (12+) 11/Dec/12 - A day of work and fun - Xyza (6+) 15/Dec/12 - I'm invincible tonight - Aeron (11+) 24/Dec/12 - Merge my soul - Xyza (3+) 30/Dec/12 - The Dear Hunter - Finn (8+) 01/Jan/12 - New year hope - Ibycus (0+) 01/Jan/12 - waiting for a star to fall - Io (13+) 05/Jan/12 - [M] Don't be shocked if i cry - Alaki, Aeron, Finn, Panda, Caprica, Axelle, Rain (10+) Join pack thread +10 11/Jan/12 - Dark Is the Sky - Alaki, Liam, Ayasha (6+) 12/Jan/12 - He's got a rolled cigarette, hanging out his mouth - Noah (6+)
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