Yesterday once more


The handsome male put on quite a show, trying to (admittedly as a joke) prove her wrong about princesses. It was an amusing show, and while she was in the middle of it she did not know how to act. So as he jumped here and there, speaking, being as unpredictable as only a male can, she simply sat there, slightly bewildered, but amused, and awaiting what ever would be his final point. When he did get to the point, and she felt his cold tongue touch her snout, she quickly retreated her face somewhat. It was not out of disgust or any negative feeling towards the male, after all she barely knew him, but it was more the surprise - the what-are-you-doing?!-ness of it all. He winked and sat back down after his display, and she laughed heartily. He was an odd one, for sure. Telling a fairy tale like a drunken person, waving his arms around to illustrate; clearly he wasn't of the "normal" breed around here. But in a way she liked it. The first meeting had been all arrogance and presentation, and they hadn't spoken with words during the meeting. They had exchanged glances, but that would be all. This time he put the arrogance aside and proved that he could also be less serious. Somewhere in there there was that liking of himself, though; he was confident enough to act like this, and it said a lot about his personality.

Her nose wrinkled and she smiled, looking at him quizzically. Some princesses you had! They did nothing but hard work and diplomatic affairs during the daytime, I presume. One eyelid closed in a wink. She had heard once that she actually was of royal breed, from the northern countries, but had never even contemplated acting like it. The world was not hers, nor would it ever be, and there was no room for people acting as if they were the only ones that mattered. Like her brother Haku did, for example. What good could ever come out of acting in such a way, tearing down what was in your way, to get what you want for yourself? In the end he would find that he didn't have anything at all, although he'd done a great deal to get it. It was sad, but the way he behaved towards her she didn't know whether she had any compassion left for him. Perhaps if he came to her and asked her for forgiveness, but she refused to forgive the one that did not want to be forgiven.

She found her mood dropping at the thought of Haku, dropping into anger and lust for yelling his face off. But she would not have any of that right now. She was going to enjoy herself with this half-drunken wolf; there was simply no room for dark thoughts. The rain had stopped for a while, she had not heard from Lubomir since that night, and she decided she deserved some fun. After all, most of the days lately all she had done was walk around and think. She might find a use for this guy, though... He'd said he was familiar with war at the meeting, and she meant to give him the opportunity to show her and shine. Although, despite his black fur, he still shone. A nearly eerie aura of blue leaked from his fur, looking like nothing she'd seen before. It was.. enticing.


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