It Began as This [The Meeting]

wordcount: +3

It was just as well that she did not simper, nor fail before the keen blades within his eyes. Always, those needle-sharp pupils were searching her for weakness - It was a deadly line the woman walked, between the docilities of negotiation, and the brutalities of their primal, predatorial aggression. Had he sensed any such weakness in her, it was highly likely that the male's instinctual darkness might have labeled her as little more than 'prey'. He was, above all else, a Hunter; A creature fashioned from the shadows and from the tainted blood of his wicked ancestors.

But, she was strong, and held a calm facade in spite of the leer of the Thistle King. Perhaps, in hindsight, he would feel some sort of approval for how the woman conducted herself in this meeting, and with that, a sliver of rarely-won respect. For now, though, she was an object to be constantly tested, a creature to be harried by his own dark amusement.

Her voice was soft, but pleasant enough, and his large coyote ears lifted forward atop a wolfish crown to catch the gentle tones. So far, their actions were peaceful enough. Her question was barely barbed, but he could sense within the stillness of her posture the underlying emotion. A deep chuckle oozed from the chest of the king, spilling out between his yellowed fangs, casting a glitter within eyes of acid green. "You wish to know the motives of a madman, dear Queen?" Salmon-pink tongue swept over his chops, and the hungry expression lingered, as the man surveyed his seated acquaintance like one would a meal. "I'll not be interrogated, nor voice my reasons for your ears. That is not the purpose of this... Meeting," The curved claws of his forepaws kneaded at the soft earth, the rumbling swell of his serpentine voice breaking the silence between them.

Itachi's modified scent wafted over his black nose, and the brute paused a moment, allowing the ocean breeze to toss it away before he continued to speak. "You've one of mine, and I wish to have her back. But, I am not an unfair man... I've something you might like in return, of course," His narrowed pupils feasted on her expression, eager to see how this barter might be accepted, or challenged.

Sirius Revlis
Hail the Conqueror Worm
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