everything looks perfect from far away


Even though Claudius had tossed the meat to Terra, she still wanted to share it. He wanted to protest and say that he didn’t need it (he’d eaten only just yesterday), that his tribe had plenty of food, and that it wasn’t right for him to take her pack’s food. But in the end, he kept these concerns to himself. If Terra was being so kind as to offer him the food that was rightfully hers, then he would accept it with as much grace as he could muster.

“Tha-a-nks, Terra,” he replied. He trotted over to where Terra was laying and then plopped himself down as well. He pulled the meat to himself with his forepaws so that he could hold onto it while he tore it apart. He knew that since he was laying down on his stomach, it would be easier to hold and gnaw on, but would make his coat awfully bloody. It didn’t really matter though; such things didn’t particularly bother him.

Claudius tore at the meat and chewed it thoughtfully. He wasn’t sure how he’d get out of the packlands without causing concern, but maybe the orange wolf would see him through. Or perhaps another pack member would lead him to the borders. He wasn’t sure, so he decided to ask.

“I do-o-on’t wa-ha-ant to cau-ause… a fuss… but… when I leave… how should I… do that? I don’t wa-a-an.t..t.. a scout… to find me-e-e… and thi-hi-ink… I’m… trespassing…” he said.

Image credit: Artur; template from the mentors


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