Out with the old, in with the new

`` D I S T U R B I A
nothing heard, nothing said, can’t even speak about it; on my life, on my head, don’t wanna think about it

Word count: 321 // +3 points
Just curious: how far into the cleaning/building/whatevers did you guys want to get in to? We looking to do just the minimum 5 posts per person, or more?

So she had thought him to be Alaki? Alduin remained somewhat confused, but he brushed it off, not caring too much for who she thought he was so long as he knew now. He smiled at her as she corrected herself and sought assurance, nodding slightly as she gave him her name.

It is nothing short of pleasure to formally meet you, Miz Caprica,” he said respectfully.

After Caprica said her piece and Naniko agreed, Alduin could do no less than find that their plan of action of was very much acceptable. He crouched to pick up the pile of wooden planks he’d been carrying and lifted them back into his arms with ease.

Very well, then,” he said as he walked to entrance and placed the planks just outside of it.

He had little experience with building, but Alduin would at least move things around and clean the old stables so that someone could prepare the benches for the to-be workshop. He felt terribly for being so useless, but some work was better than no work, and he was certain they would appreciate that.

My dearest ladies,” he began as he entered the cave once again, “I do hate to ask you to do any lifting. Capable as you are, I would prefer you didn’t worry yourself with such a trivial task; but, seeing as I find myself unwilling to let any time be wasted with this project, I find I must request to enlist your strength.

If he had the speed of a roadrunner, he would have cleared the stables himself. He had been raised in a traditional manner, and having females work at all was almost completely against everything he’d been taught. He knew both of them were strong and competent wolves, thought, so he couldn’t find it within himself to have them just standing about with nothing to do. He was fairly certain they wouldn’t like that.

release me from this curse i’m in; trying to maintain, but i’m struggling. put on your pretty lies, you’re in the city of wonder

template by revo. <3


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