this place is a prison
[html]wow, maggie has been such a bitch lately XD

Magnolia’s heart beat like a drum, thundering down her body as she galloped with every ounce of strength in her body. She was quick, but in her two-legged form she wasn’t nearly as fast as she could be. Still, the Confidant pushed on, begging her body to get as far away as possible from here.

Despite all her efforts, Sage quickly caught up to her. She snorted her nose in anger and narrowed her eyes as the duo made the Confidant stop rushing and slow down. The stupid coyote even tried to wrangle her arms, which Magnolia whipped away from Sage and kept by her body. “No need for that,” She snapped. “We both know you’re not going to call them. And you’re not going to hurt me, either.” She was being cocky, now, in the middle of the night in a foreign pack that wished her ill. This probably wasn’t the best way of dealing with the situation but Magnolia stood her ground, staring at the bizarre woman before her. Why would a coyote even join a wolf pack in the first place?


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