questionable existences in this earth
I hadn't had anything in mind; random, unplanned things tend to be more fun ;] So feel free to do some devious plotting of your own... Asa is pretty innocent, so I can't really think of her doing anything sinister xD

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Amnesia. She’d read that in the medical book she had taken from the bookstore that day with Laurel. The definition was not at all vague to her, but then again it hadn’t exactly clicked as her own sickness-case until now. Asanotohl lowered her eyes, staring at her hands idly as she thought about his words. She could have some of her memories back… it was possible. She closed her eyes, her mauled ear twitching slightly as Conri continued. So not only could she get her memories back, but she could have a family as well. A smile spread gently across her muzzle, and she silently wished for none of this to be false hopes.

You don’t have a pack-family, then? she asked suddenly, though the answer was quite clear. He’d said earlier that he had no one, and even though she’d considered this to be strictly of bloodline, he had suddenly given it new meaning; this also meant that he didn’t have a pack-family either. You can be in my new family, Conri. You can come to Esper Hollow… with me. She tilted her head vaguely, kind eyes watching him carefully, on baited breath.

Though a thought occurred to her; he seemed to have been around for a while. Why was he not in a pack himself? Perhaps he didn’t like packs? But Conri was so friendly… Ya know, if something bad happened to you in a pack, you’ll be okay. The past is the past, this is now, ya know. I won’t care about whatever may have happened… you’re here now. Strong, confient words for an amnesiac.

table by chels

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