Not the Hero we deserve
Sorry for the pp James, change it. beat me, ignore it what ever dear Smile

The male sat down beside the dark lady hearing Naniko voice, he opened his good eye looking up at the dark lady, her raised eye brow let him know that she had caught onto his little lie about what his name was, he offered up a cheesy smile, with a soft giggle. So he thought he was in the clearing and part of him had hoped that Naniko had forgotten who he was, the male licked his paw, his whole body was tender, he felt like the cat had sent him though a blender. "Nanie....Your not going to tell Dad or Jazper are you? Pleasssse?!" The pup walked over to the female and started to rub against her, trying to love up on her. "I loove you Auntie Nanie.."

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