Coming Back to Haunt Me
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She tried to be as quick as she could when it came to addressing members. Naniko was not the type of leader to sit on a high horse and order members around without actually going and putting in some work, herself. The stables and garden were a good example of this; she led by showing others that she was willing to put even her own valuable time into a project so long as it meant a better way of life for the pack. She wanted them to see that she gave orders for a reason and that she would follow her own word when it came to making a commitment to her fellow Anathemans.

"I'm busy, but not so busy that I can't take a few moments to sit. It'll be good for me, in fact...been doing a lot of border-scouting and hunting today in this form." It was unusual to see her on four legs. "Thank you for helping to replenish the supplies. Every canine can help to restore our meat if they wish's used for pups to practice on as they grow, for the winter and the days of high heat in the summer when no one would want to go outdoors..and other times, too. Ceremonies or whatnot." Though she often also sacrificed a baby lamb at some ceremonies...mateship ones in particular.

Naniko did not feel that his gift was silly at all, and shook her head at his reaction. "Don't overthink things too much, child. Any gift that one gives me is appreciated - it is obvious that a lot of time and effort was put into them and I like them very much" Hopefully that would clear up any feelings that he had of inadequacy in regard to the gift. "I have a spot to display them at home - I haven't seen work like this since my daughter made me this necklace. Thank you." She lifted her chin so that he could see the metal-ringed necklace that Caprica had designed for her. "I love hand-made items. Other than hunting, how have you been up to? Have you been finding your way through Howling Caverns with more ease, now?"

Table by Jenny!

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