[M] [AW] I never thought I'd be in bloom...

OOC Yay, xD WC: 677

Her heat scent was intoxicating, overbearing her usual perfume. Though its call was no less appealing, it lacked a certain subtlety. He missed her normal salty sea smell. It was refreshing, something he could never tire of, and although it lingered still, it was diminished in the presence of her estrus. Her heat made his body come alive in ways he never thought possible. A simple touch sent chills down his spine. It made the hairs all over his body stand on end. It was threatening to drive him insane, yet he wished her ever closer. When she buried herself into his chest he nuzzled into her, breathing just as deeply, though he soon regretted it. He did not want to push her away, in fact he only wished to pull her closer, but there was a mental wall that would not yield. He could not take her, not for as much as he wanted her. It could not be. A coupling would result in pups, and was he truly ready for the responsibility? Could he be a father when he was so fearful of taking her as a mate? The answer was clear.

Her whine was heart-breaking, and he regained his feet swiftly, releasing a whine of his own after he had righted himself. He strained his neck towards her, reaching for what he would not take. It was by far the hardest thing he’d had to do. He was thankful when he finally heard her voice ascend, and out of habit emitted a note of his own, detailing his urgency. When he cries ceased his eyes darted quickly back to her, not wishing to leave for a moment. He could not take her, not physically, but his eyes could do what his body could not. They watched her curves, witnessing them in their full glory. Her golden pelt seemed to shimmer in the moonlight and he shuffled his paws to see her so anxious. Worry laced her vocals when she spoke to him and he was relieved when she finally returned to his side. He turned to face her and lashed his tongue at her cheek, but all he said was, we will see. He was as eager and nervous as the woman beside him, and would not elaborate for fear that his own concern would unsteady her. A small part of him wanted to be rejected. He did not think himself worthy, but it was only a small part. The rest of him was determined. He’d set his sights on her and would not let her go so easily, no matter the cost.

His heart leapt when Zalen’s sable form finally emerged from the cavern. It was time to put this matter to rest, to end their torment once and for all. His eyes lingered on Zalen’s visage, though never reached the man’s eyes as he tried to determine the meaning behind his expression. As the man stepped into the moon light Augustus caught sight of a long shadowy appendage beating back and forth at his flanks. It was a moment before he finally recognized the gesture. Zalen knew and he approved. Augustus felt elated, and his tail began to beat furiously behind him. His tongue rose up to meet his Alpha’s chin as the black male nuzzled him and Ciara one after the other.

There was nothing said, but his movements were powerful, and his grin unmistakable. It was finished, they were mates in the eyes of their pack, their family. In that moment he could not have been happier. When Zalen’s form disappeared back into the den’s mouth the black and white male leapt to his feet, threw his head back, and howled. His body cried out in release as he exhaled all tension into the sky. When he was finished he gave a brief glance to his mate before turning and leaping into a sprint. He shook his fur out as he ran with his ears laid back to listen for the echoing footsteps he knew would be soon to follow.

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