limping back
<style> @import url(;</style>Skye Collins
Word Count :: 000 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

Her anger ebbed away, and she altered herself so that she was supporting Taliesin by his stomach and center of the chest, attempting to avoid harming his ribs any further. As he made his comment about Liam, she simply nodded; he hadn't been here, for if he had, he would be dead, killed by the hands of the wiry creamy alpha female that carried her Protettore across the lands now.

She allowed him to walk up the steps of his house, which now were absent of the horrid skulls that Sky had decorated the yard with. Skye had allowed her to keep them, as she did not wish to regulate the beliefs of her members, but she could not ever help but feeling a sense of foreboding when she passed by there - as if she were passing Inferni itself, and the skulls of its wolf victims it spiked on sticks. Now, however, Taliesin lay on his front porch, the hard wood and stone seeming uncomfortable against him; as he sent his son to fetch him some willow bark, Skye shifted back to her Optime form and looked at Taliesin inquiringly.

She shook her head as he apologized for not killing the murderer. "I don't blame you, Taliesin - I don't doubt his strength, either." She looked at him more closely, inspecting his wounds and the breaks in his skin. "Is there anything I can do to relieve the pain?"

Your the only one who saves me from myself, I abandoned this love and laid it to rest, And now I'm one of the forgotten

Image courtesy of auensen

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