Where to go

OOC here!

Isa was relieved when Tharin laughed at her joke. He mentioned not minding the company and she knew she could use some company as well. She had been feeling a little stressed after everything that had happened and was unsure what her own feelings were. She missed Hadley a lot and now that Selene was gone for a little while too, she felt she should maybe get out of Casa for a little while as well. She had spent time with almost all of the Casa members but she still hadn’t gotten too terribly close to the others yet besides Hadley and Adelle. It was her own fault more than anything else. Most days she would wander around on her own or go back to the house she seemed to spend a lot of time in. Having lived on her own with only her and her sister for so long, Isa had become somewhat antisocial. She was trying to change it though since she joined Casa and was slowly opening up to others.

Isa shook her head, clearing her mind and focusing on Tharin again. He led her to a small area by a stream. A few rabbits and a fawn laid there. He laid down, waiting for her to choose first. She stepped forward and picked up one of the rabbits. She laid down across from Tharin and waited for him to grab his meal before starting to eat.

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