limping back
<style> @import url(;</style>Skye Collins
Word Count :: 000 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

Again she cursed that Sky had abandoned them; the only other healer in the pack who wasn't Taliesin, who was now hurt. It couldn't be helped, however, and she nodded when Taliesin asked her to bandage him and change them every few days; it was no burden to her, for helping her packmates was her sworn duty. And Taliesin wasn't just her packmate; he was her friend, and she would help in any way she could.

"Of course," she said. Then, she looked to Taliesin's small pup, who led the way to the bandages that the healer kept in his house. Always there, just in case of an emergency; she felt a surge of fondness as she grasped the bandages in her dexterous fingers and walked back to the porch where the white male lay. "I have the bandages," she said. "How should I apply them?"

Your the only one who saves me from myself, I abandoned this love and laid it to rest, And now I'm one of the forgotten

Image courtesy of auensen

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