Misfortune for the poor
The tiny Lykoi of Inferni had grown bored. Helotes had been in a dark place since the death of his brother and she had heard no word on if he and their Aquilla had spoken yet. She didn't mind, the pygmy had never imagined she would be viewed as wanted so she had never believed a mateship was in her future, besides, she had been the one to make certain that he was ready for this. If he wanted her he would have to ask their leader for the right to claim her. She was her own woman, but she was a creature of the Aquilla and loyal to him. Conditions had to be met.

She had decided to pad down the border this day, even though she knew that there were many other members who held the ranks and the experience to do their duty she missed her old rank. She knew in time she would discover what Ezekiel wanted of her in a new rank but for now she was itching for something to tend to. At just under three feet six inches she was a pathetic looking excuse for a luperci but she was dangerous just the same. She hadn't been going far along their lands when the scent of blood caught her attention.

She raised her maw to the air, testing the scent, registering more than one beast marred. She was slightly confused but she padded onward, her whalebone spear in her hands as she rounded the bluff and came onto the sight of the dark hued woman and what seemed to be her prey. Zana looked over the kill a moment, tipping it from one side to the other with her weapon as she ignored the woman for now. She had done right in not crossing their borders, even after the prey she had obviously killed had drug itself onto their lands to die.

The small woman finally raised her head to glance at the other, noting the wounds as she asked. "What, besides a meal brings you to these lands.." Her grey lavender orbs scanned over her wounds as she added. "Fresh I take it?" gesturing to her arm.

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