Where to go
He grinned over at her. Wolves just weren't meant to live alone. They were social creatures, not to mention the best prey could only be brought down working together with others. Alone he couldn't take the same amount of risks, a single injury stopping him from being able to hunt successfully, dooming him to starve, or gaining a sickness, and again unable to do anything but let it eat away at him. Pack life was much better than that. At least if death chose to come then it was with others there to keep him company.

His ear was nipped softly, eliciting a soft playful growl from him. He bumped her head with his, backing up a little. He wasn't the most playful canine out there, cautious from the time that he'd forgotten to keep watch, leading them both straight to a bear. He circled around her before coming up, standing to push her down. Dominance play was what he was used to, playfully making the other submit before springing back, letting himself be chased. Other games weren't nearly as fun to him.

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