Home is where my family is
Age:5 months
Preferred Rank: Cucciola, Sentinel Rank when older
Currently Played Characters: Neela Garcia, Regner Vilhelmsen, Ezequiel Isoko


Word Count → 325 :: Ohhihi

Brown eyes glinted as Keldava stuck her head over the lip of the cart, feeling the change in momentum as it stopped. The stretch of landscape before them was unassuming to the eyes but in smell it was certainly something, a thick layer of unfamiliar scents spread across the land before them, forming a clear boundary to the lands belong.

New lands and new smells, an entire territory for her to explore and play in! Keldava practically vibrated with excitement at the thought. Unfortunately Keldava's excitement wasn't shared universally and a whimper from behind Keldava caused her right ear to droop sadly, the left was held upright by the tight white bandages wrapped around it, as she turned to face her sister. Keldava padded over, touching her nose to Keldava's before she laid one long lick up the bridge of her siblings muzzle and face, leaving her own muzzle resting atop her head, "Don' cry 'Gina, 'm here" she mumbled quietly, giving her a second lick, " 'M gonna go see wha' goin' on, 'kay?"

Moving away from Dalgina, Keldava found her excitement at the new lands growing once more, though it remained tinged with empathetic sadness for her sibling. Growling lightly in excitement Keldava launched herself over the carts side and down to the ground. She hit heavily, skidding onto her belly and driving the air from her lungs but quickly recovered, picking herself up and shaking off before trotting over to Mahnaya. Reaching her side Keldava nipped her mother lightly on the leg and tugged on her fur to get get attention.

"Dalgina sad Mahnaya, why's she sad?" Keldava's free ear drooped again before it suddenly shot up, accompanied by a fierce wag to her tail, "We're somewhere new! New places, new people! Excitement! Happy!" Keldava yipped, her vocabulary regressing through her excitement. Unable to say any more Keldava simply pressed herself tight against Mahnaya's leg, tail beating a fast rhythm against it.

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