Watchman's tower
<style> @import url(;</style>Skye Collins
Word Count :: 000 yay!

The female, as always, was patrolling in the night. In her Optime form, her gleaming dagger hung from a simple leather belt on her hip, as it always did. Soundlessly, she followed her instincts, allowing them to carry her where she may end up - emptying her mind of recent betrayals, of how her own mate had left the pack, as had so many others.

She stopped suddenly, an unfamiliar scent and sound of unfamiliar footsteps flooding her senses - but she let her guard down as she recognized the new presence as Jace, one of her newest members. Jace, the one who had killed Argul when Shawchert had seemed unable to. She pushed back the bushes to reveal the multicolored woman, who motioned for her to come closer.

Maintaining her dominant and dignified air, Skye slowly walked towards the female, fingering her dagger as she walked. Thoughts muddied her mind, and while she attempted to push them away, she could not help but to think of all those who had left her, had left the pack, had abandoned what they swore to protect and to defend. She gazed at Jace with untelling eyes, eyes that held no emotion, masked by the facade that Skye did so well in maintaining.

"I see you could not sleep," she said lowly, noting the female's slightly tired features - eyes, ears, even fur. Although the night seemed silent, Skye was accustomed to the sounds of the forest - it was different than the mountains where she hailed by far. Birds, crickets, cicadas, the wind rustling the leaves - even at the darkest of night, the forest was alive with music. "Did you patrol in Ichika as well?"

Your the only one who saves me from myself, I abandoned this love and laid it to rest, And now I'm one of the forgotten

Image courtesy of auensen

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