Where to go
He managed to push her slightly before Isa side stepped away. It moved her from his show of force, keeping her standing despite his attempts at knocking her down, pinning her to submit. Ears and tail stood tall, eager to see what she was planning. His shoulder was nipped, and Tharin lunged forwards, snapping at the tail that flashed away before him. It seemed he'd come across someone pretty playful. His tail swished behind him, watching her shapely form run a short distance from him, teasing him and calling him to chase.

Growling Tharin bowed down, powerful muscles rippling through his body. He fought off a bear, caught elusive prey all by himself. There was no way he was being outsmarted by a pretty wolf who flashed her tail at him. I'll catch you. Can't avoid me for long! He sprang forwards, muscles uncoiled, only to hit dirt as she darted off into the woods. Growling he fled after her, following her scent and the occasional glimpses of silver fur flashing in the light. The dappled shade of the trees fell below, turning the world into a maze of secrets. He worked forwards, catching up to her. At her side he looked over with a wink before pushing over, hitting her side.

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