Misfortune for the poor
She stood quietly watching the woman as she explained herself, her situation and how she had come to be on the borders of their lands wounded and famished. Her grey lilac orbs were steady as she tried to catch and fault or lie in the pattern of speech the woman gave. She found nothing but a bruised and battered beast before her wishing to claim what was rightfully hers. The small woman lifted the rabbit from the ground and with a flit of her spear she send it head over tail across the border to land smartly at the paws of the dark hued woman. "I can't have you dying on the borders.. you're a bit too big for me to have to cart off and bury you know.." she said with a slight glitter in her eye as she proceeded to fetch the spear for the woman as well.

She stood on the edge of their lands, holding her whalebone spear in one hand and the shabby makeshift spear of the other woman in her other. She glanced towards the lady's wound as she asked. "Can you generally defend yourself better than you did against that wolf?" She couldn't offer the woman a place in the clan but she could find out everything she needed to know about the creature and see if she was worthy of finding a home for herself within their ranks.

The pygmy woman titled her head to the side as she ran claws down the length of the other's weapon. Her ears flicked back slightly as she commented. "I would hope you have better weapons than this.. or you won't last long out there in the Waste.." She padded across the borders to the stranger, offering the woman her spear back as she began to explain. "You're on the borders of Inferni.. a predominate coyote clan. While not all of us are pure blood, we claim favor to our coyote blood over whatever else muddles our veins." She glanced to the other and gestured to her own frame. "If you couldn't tell.. I'm not pure of blood here.." She didn't generally make cracks on her size or bloodlines but anymore it didn't seem to matter, and what was the woman going to do now that was any different than anyone else had done in the past.

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