Home is where my family is

Jace was well aware of the way that her children were mourning for their first home, she had done the same upon fleeing from her birth pack and in a way the wound never healed fully although it scabbed over and dried out. With a silent sigh of breath and a prayer of thanks to the Great Mother for delivering them safely to Cercatori's borders Jace patted the excitable Salvia on her head and then turned when an insistent tugging came from the fur of her legs. Keldava was the cause this time, with the information that Dalgina was as upset as Jace knew she would be.

She crouched down until she was closer to her youngest child, a small smile on her muzzle at the fact that at least one of her children didn't resent her at the moment,

"She knew more people in Ichika than you did Keldava. She made friends there and she doesn't want to leave them. But we had to leave, it wasn't safe there anymore, especially not for you and your brother and sisters." She simply smiled again as Keldava pressed herself against Jace's leg in an excited daze, of her four children, Keldava was the one most likely to grow up and echo herself,

"Today we start our new life love." She stood up tall and the wind roared around her briefly, dragging her brown hair upwards to flow around her. Her head tipped back and the wavering note left her, the voice resounding out deep into this new territory, seeking a leader, calling for a home. She was who she was, the arctic queen with ice in her veins, snow in her heart and cold in her vivid gaze. she stood strong against the injustices of this world and would fight until her last breath to uphold those who were chained unto her heart.

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