Home is where my family is
Come on guys Big Grin it's a free posting order! Go wild

They didn't have to wait long for acknowledgement for soon enough a pure male came from the unknown territory to greet them. She knew who he was, she had met him before, her Noah's brother, although she wasn't really sure she had the right to refer to Noah as hers anymore. She was scared to visit the three legged man, afraid of what she might find, afraid of what he might have become. Still, she knew who their welcoming committee was. There was almost no doubt within her mind that they would be refused, how she could say this was a mystery but she was positive all the same. There was only dull recognition within his eyes and she doubted he remembered their first and only meeting over a year ago.

"Hello Talesin, nice to see you after all this time. We met in Phoenix Valley once, when Noah was injured." The word was said with a low growl, Lucifer had been a bane on the world and a dangerous pest to Phoenix Valley. She was glad he no longer defiled it with his presence. More rustling and another figure appeared, this time a female who she had not met. So obviously the head of this pack, it was impossible to miss the aura of control and dominance she extruded. Her gaze switched between the pair of them for a second before she spoke,

"I am Jace Wolfe and this is my family. My mate Temo, and our children, Honrin, Pandora, Dalgina and Keldava." She gestured to each as she named them, Honrin looked up with interest at the approaching woman but otherwise observed the situation with a cold, cynical expression. "We've come a long way, from Ichika no Ho-en to the north, and over the Halycon mountains. We seek to join this pack of artists and creators, if you will have us of course."

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